Feel the difference when you book in for a massage that targets your specific needs. Ease your muscle tension and relax your mind with a massage designed just for you.
– Laurie T. E17
Enhanced Injury Recovery: Massage accelerates healing by stimulating circulation. This improved blood flow delivers oxygen and essential nutrients throughout your body, creating an optimal environment for tissues to repair themselves faster. Additionally, massage can ease adhesions and release tension, promoting flexibility and range of motion, both crucial for regaining full function after an injury.
Improved Movement and Body Awareness: Massage isn’t just about relaxation; it can also significantly improve your movement patterns. By easing stiffness and increasing flexibility, massage therapists can help you move with greater ease and efficiency. This enhanced body awareness, known as proprioception, allows you to better recruit the right muscles for each movement, reducing the risk of overuse injuries.
Relief from Chronic Pain: Chronic pain can be a complex issue, but massage therapy offers a natural and effective way to manage it. Trained professionals are skilled at identifying the underlying causes of your discomfort, whether it’s tight muscles, trigger points, or referred pain. Massage therapy can directly address these issues, easing pain and promoting relaxation. Additionally, massage therapists work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals, and may refer you to a physiotherapist, osteopath, or other specialist for a comprehensive approach to pain management.
Stress Management and Improved Sleep: The benefits of massage extend far beyond the physical. It’s a powerful tool for managing stress and anxiety. By easing muscle tension and promoting relaxation, massage can lower your heart rate and improve your breathing patterns. This creates a state of deep calm that can significantly reduce stress and anxiety levels. Additionally, the relaxation induced by massage can promote better sleep quality, leaving you feeling refreshed and energised.
Personalised Treatment: The beauty of massage therapy lies in its customisation. Each session is tailored to your specific needs and preferences. Whether you have a particular area of concern, a preferred massage style like Swedish or deep tissue, or simply want to unwind and de-stress, a massage therapist can create a personalised plan to help you achieve your wellness goals. So, ditch the notion of massage as a simple luxury and discover its transformative power for a healthier, happier you.
Book now to relax, recover, and rejuvenate with a massage that addresses your unique concerns.
– Tom T. Walthamstow
Deep Tissue Massage: Slow and deep strokes using forearms, elbows and knuckles are used along side Swedish massage strokes to ease into the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. The deep pressure is always in accordance with your personal preference.
Sports Massage: Focusing on the muscles involved in your sport, a sports massage treatment may include active or assisted stretches and deep pressure. As a qualified Sports Massage Therapist I can also offer advice to help you actively participate in your recovery in your own time.
Remedial Massage: Remedial massage is effective in aiding the recovery of soft tissue injuries or aches and pains that may be a result of trauma, posture, or repetitive use in occupation or sports. The emphasis is on the cause of the concern rather than just the symptoms.
I believe that a massage treatment not only helps heal the body, but allows for relaxation of the mind, emotions, and the whole being.
A massage treatment is an opportunity to let go of all your responsibilities and concerns for a while, and be nourished by human touch.
My interest in massage began from feeling the benefits of having a treatment, and enjoying giving treatments. This has developed into a great interest to learn more skills in order to be able help my clients with the different concerns they present.
Each treatment is sensitively given, within your personal preference of pressure, and tailor-made to meet your specific needs. I use a range of techniques, depending on what is most appropriate to help you, assessing what might be the cause of your discomfort, and addressing this in the treatment as well as the symptoms. As a qualified Sports Massage therapist, I offer advice to help you resolve your issues, helping you actively participate in your recovery and reduce the chance of your specific concerns recurring.
I provide a safe and peaceful space, allowing you to fully relax and come into balance.
Don’t let pain or stress hold you back.
Click to book a tailored massage and feel the benefits of a treatment designed just for you.
– Nathalina, Waltham Forest
Rebecca is a highly experienced osteopath and energy medicine practitioner, specialised in women’s health, including; pregnancy and Postpartum MOT, cranial osteopathy for babies and Holistic Pelvic Care.
The Walthamstow clinic also offers INDIBA radio frequency therapy and massage treatments and is dedicated to providing personalised and highly effective treatments.
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