
On this resources page you will find lots of information on osteopathy, women’s health, pelvic care, pregnancy and postpartum healing. Scroll down or click the links in the box below to discover the wealth of resources Rebecca has created and compiled for you.

As ever, if you would like to find out more or want to ask a question on any of these topics, feel free to get in touch , but please do have a browse through the FAQs and these resources first as your questions is likely to have been answered here.

Quick click links

Please look through my extensive list of frequently asked questions. 
This page includes thorough answers to the most common questions I am asked regarding osteopathy, women’s health, osteopathy for children and babies and of course questions related to the clinic such as booking appointments, pricing and location.

Recommended practitioners

I have worked with so many brilliant practitioners in a variety of different fields and so I have put together a list of my recommendations in the fields of hypnobirthing, midwifery, nutrition, fitness and much more. 

I often find that my diary is very booked up and it is not always possible for me to see you, particularly if your need is urgent. So I have also included a list of recommended osteopaths for you to use, if for any reason you are not able to see me as quickly as you wish. 

The button below links you through to this information. Get in touch if you need further recommendations.

Video Recordings

Video recordings you might find helpful.

pelvic floor exercises

Pelvic floor exercises with Anthonissa Moger, the Hypnobirthing Midwife.

holistic pelvic care

Chatting to Jodie Brandman, Nutritional Therapist in women’s health about Holistic Pelvic Care. 

reducing back and pelvic pain in pregnancy

How to reduce back and pelvic pain during pregnancy, with Anthonissa Moger.

aligning your pelvis for birth

Aligning your pelvis in preparation for birth, with Anthonissa Moger.

increasing foot strength & reducing hip or shoulder pain

A video all about increasing foot strength and reducing hip or shoulder pain, with Anthonissa Moger.

healing after birth

My guest appearance with Anthonissa Moger’s weekly mum’s club. I talked about healing and health after birth.

side lying release

An exercise for the reduction of pelvic pain, with Anthonissa Moger.

ecstatic birth - professional training

This video is for other practitioners considering professional Ecstatic Birth Training. I am one of the featured graduates of the programme.

Recommended reading

These are my top highlights and primarily focus on women’s health and wellbeing. They can all be purchase online, through bookshops or borrowed through your local library.

holistic hypnobirthing

By Anthonissa Moger.

Mindful Practices for a Positive Pregnancy and Birth. Find out how to use deep relaxation, meditation, visualization, and breathwork exercises designed to integrate body and mind throughout your pregnancy and birth.

Holistic Hypnobirthing

wild feminine

By Tami Lynn Kent.

A unique, holistic approach to reclaiming the power, spirit, and joy of the female body.

wild feminine

mothering from your centre

By Tami Lynn Kent.

Gentle guidance through the emotional and physical transformative process of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. 

mothering from your centre

the fourth trimester

By Kimberly Ann Johnson

A practical guide to help support women through post-partum healing on the physical, emotional, relational and spiritual levels.

fourth trimester

emergence of the sensual woman

By Saida Desilets.

An invitation to embody what it means to be an erotically alive and compassionate woman. 

emergence of the sensual woman

the four fold way

By Angeles Arrien.

The four archetypal principles of the Native American medicine wheel and how they can lead us to a higher spirituality and a better world.

four fold way

Information index

If you are looking for information on particular subject, I have listed information by topic below, along with articles and resources from other practitioners that may be of help. I write regularly on my blog, which you can browse by clicking this button.