Energy Medicine

Do you have a feeling you are not quite feeling life as fully as you would like to? 

Are you perhaps yearning for a deeper soul connection? 

Maybe you are looking for a more sensual, expansive relationship with your body, and there is a numbness you know is not you.

Maybe you are seeing a reflection of yourself in your relationships and you want to see them change and grow instead of feeling stuck in the same old patterns of communication.

Maybe you just have a sense that there is something more to life?

These are the sorts of territories I love to journey with you through.

This type of healing work  is beneficial for anyone who wishes to work through something, or go deeper. 

I specialise in working with women – who often, but not always, are going through transitional phases of life – like preparing for motherhood, postpartum, perimenopause and menopause, or dealing with loss, and some are just looking to step back and experience life differently. 

I will dive deep with you, guide you, hold you, and help you connect in a deeper way with your body and intuition.

Sometimes this process brings up old wounds (from this life, or ancestral) that are ready to be witnessed and healed. 

Sometimes it’s about finding something you’ve been yearning for, but not able to put words to. 

Sometimes it’s a journey to help you to move forward in a situation, or perhaps to receiving inspiration.

I work with beautiful souls who are looking for a sensitive and loving guide to support them, who are not afraid to look within and take ownership of their own healing process. 

We all have abandoned parts within us – parts that didn’t get to complete what they needed to, that were left hanging, un-nurtured, ignored, buried. Times in our lives where we felt shame, discomfort, grief, abandonment, loss. 

These parts of us, which I call ‘orphans,’ can remain buried for ages. 

To start connecting with our lost parts, parts of our buried soul, and to go on the journey of deep reclamation, the journey of healing, is what brings us back to our wholeness, our soul journey.

My training in healing modalities

I have had a deep, extensive training in both neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and shamanic energy medicine.I spent two intense years completing a practitioner training and followed by a Master practitioner training with the formidable Cissi Williams. Her training is highly rigorous and involved 700+ hours of training – not for the faint-hearted! I appreciate the depths she allowed me to go to as a practitioner.

I believe you can only go as deep with your clients as you have been prepared to go yourself, and through this process, along with  many other mystery school trainings and life experiences, I have been on my own deep spiritual journey which continues to unfold.

I have a deep skill in reading the energetic field of the body and the pelvic bowl. I have worked with hundreds of women on their intimate journeys with their bodies. If I am seeing you in person, I like to blend the hands-on and energetic work.

However, I am also able to read the field and work remotely with you, if face-to-face is not an option. (This was a skill I discovered I had during our first lockdown and a skill I’ve continued to hone during my two years of training with Cissi, where we did all of our case studies over Zoom).
Often, working remotely can be just as powerful, and sometimes there is a liberation you can feel when releasing on your own that you may not feel comfortable with face-to-face, so there is no right or wrong way.


I’ve heard myself being called a ‘white witch’ and I am happy to reclaim the term ‘witch,’ the origins of the word meaning wise woman.

In more recent years, my path has taken me on various trainings in the field of sexuality – this started with my training as an ecstatic birth practitioner with Sheila Kamara Hay and from there, various trainings with world-renowned teachers such as Layla Martin and Saida Desillets – both teachers I hold a lot of respect for.

All the teachings I follow and that I share are about us remembering that we are all an embodiment of the sacred and that our bodies can be guides for us on our path of greater expansion into joy and pleasure, and an ever-deepening knowing of ourselves as soul beings.

If you are interested in working with me in this way, then please get in touch. You are welcome to try just one deep dive energy medicine session with me, and then if we both feel it is a good fit, we can go a deeply transformative three-month journey, tailored to suit your needs. 

” I had three Shamanic coaching/healing sessions with Rebecca via online video call.

Each of the sessions took me on a powerful visual journey, often meeting with my ancestors and doing some intergenerational healing. Rebecca knew exactly what questions to ask to get to the bottom of what I was trying to say in the sessions, and I was always treated with empathy and respect.

I knew that Rebecca always not just heard me, but felt me, and the journeys that we went on together had a profound impact.”

Katy Bradbury