Osteopathy for babies and children

Cranial Osteopathy for babies

Osteopathy helps babies to release strain patterns acquired in the womb and through the birth process.  For children it is great for releasing strains from injuries and accidents.

Babies can acquire compressive and/or torsional strains both in the womb (from mal-positioning) and through the birth process (c-sections, ventouse and forceps or long difficult births).  Common symptoms a baby may exhibit if they have a strain pattern are crying a lot for no specific reason (colic type behaviour)/ difficulty either getting to sleep or not going through normal sleep cycles/ feeding issues.  You may notice that your baby generally seems unsettled and not happy.

Osteopathy for babies London
"Cranial osteopathy was recommended to us after a long labour with much medical intervention. Our five appointments with Rebecca were enjoyable, informative, and beneficial for my son. Our experience was very positive: my son was noticeably calmer, less congested, and his body was more relaxed after our visits. I appreciated Rebecca calm and friendly interaction with my son, and ability to treat him in the position most comfortable for him. Rebecca took time to explain her treatment and the likely reasons for my son’s reactions, following a thorough initial consultation. I would certainly recommend Rebecca to others, as a welcoming and experienced osteopath who made both of us feel at ease."
Ellen Greaves, Research Economist, London
Cranial Osteopathy for babies London

On babies I use a type of treatment called ‘Cranial Osteopathy’.  The name is misleading as it sounds like it is just used to treat the cranium (i.e. the head). 

This type of treatment is actually used on the whole body including the head.   It uses a very subtle and gentle touch which babies and children enjoy and respond well to and allows me, the practitioner to work with the baby’s natural instincts.  

Treating such strains through cranial osteopathy helps to release these strain patterns and minimises the effects of those strains into adulthood.


Would my baby benefit from cranial osteopathy?

If you are not sure if your baby would benefit from treatment, I would be very happy to chat with you and to do an initial examination to give my professional opinion.